Explorers - April 2025
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that facilitating opportunities for children to engage in activities outside of their comfort zone is vital in supporting development of independent skills.
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that facilitating opportunities for children to engage in activities outside of their comfort zone is vital in supporting development of independent skills.
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that self-regulation is a vital skill that supports a child’s ability to learn and engage socially with others. This is why we are providing our Fun & Friendship group in the upcoming holiday break
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that practising social skills, fine motor skills, and self-care skills are important parts of “being ready” for school. This is why we are providing “School Readiness 2022”
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that practicing social skills, fine motor skills, and self-regulation are important parts of “growing up” and “learning”. This is why we are providing “Classroom Mastery and Friendship” Group
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that practicing handwriting skills, fine motor skills, and self-regulation are important parts of “growing up” and “learning”. This is why we are providing the “Handwriting Mastery” Group
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that self-regulation is a vital skill that supports a child’s ability to learn and engage socially with others. This is why we are providing our Fun & Friendship group in the upcoming holiday break
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that facilitating opportunities for children to engage in social problem solving and teamwork with peers is vital in supporting independent life skills.
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that facilitating opportunities for girls to engage in activities that promote social skills, problem-solving, creativity and build self-confidence
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that practicing social skills and building independence are all important for children transitioning into adolescence. This is why we are providing the “Adventurers” group.
Once again this year, we are inviting Occupational Therapists passionate about joining a private practice that “makes daily life easier” for those we work with. Our approach; sharing practical strategies …
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that learning new daily living skills is an important aspect to growing up and becoming more independent. This is why we have created the “Life Skills 101” group for teenagers.
Here is an update from EarlyLinks regarding COVID-19
Southside Health and Wellbeing have invited members of our community to participate in a yoga and mediation course during the winter moths. iRest is a simple form of passive yoga and mediation to help create feeling of calm when life gets challenging. It's easy to learn and do, and can be used for relaxtaion, to manage challenging emotions, or to help heal emotional wounds.
The programme includes six 1-hour practice sessions with Deens, a psychotherapist and iRest level 1 teacher-in-training with the Integrative Restorative Institute. Deena's experience as a psychotherapist enables her to be attentive and sensitive to your feelings of comfort and safety in the group and within the various practices.
Venue - Southside Health and Welling being clinic. 12 The Avenue Hurstville.
Dates - Wednesday 25th July 10:15am - 11:15am, until August 29th, 2018
Cost - $320
What to bring - note book and pen
What to wear - comfortable, loose fitting or exercise clothing.
Click on the link to register your interest and reserve your family's place
The group runs for eight weeks, in Caringbah
Occupational Therapy & Nutrition Counseling
Our Colleagues are running a study looking into a sound therapy program to support social, engagement, auditory processing, and sound sensitivities.
If your child is aged 8-12 years old and you want to volunteer, this is the information
An entire weekend, hand-crafted, to change the way your body's automatic response to stressful situations. Learn how...
Camp Jabiru - Student applications are open for 2018
Tamsin Colley is a fifteen-year-old Rio Paralympian who attends Randwick Girls' High School. Together, Tamsin, who has cerebral palsy, and Angie MacGibbon have been organising the Carnival through the Youth Frontiers mentoring programme. Tamsin wants other kids with disabilities to have the opportunities she has had to participate in sport as she is well aware of the physical and mental benefits sport offers.
The Eastern Suburbs Special Needs Athletics Carnival will be held on:
Saturday 21 October, 2017
ES Marks Athletics Field
10.30am - 2pm
Little Athletics will be there to help on the day as will Wheelchair Sport NSW who will be bringing their athletes and racing wheelchairs so competitors have an opportunity to race in a proper racing chair. There is a free sausage sizzle, free face painting, ribbons for all competitors and a free raffle to be drawn on the day.
Download your copy of the registration form HERE and if the link doesn't open for you, please request a copy by email using the form below -
Click on the link to register your interest and reserve your family's place
The group runs for eight weeks, in Caringbah
Occupational Therapy & Nutrition Counseling
An entire weekend, hand-crafted, to change the way your body's automatic response to stressful situations. Learn how...
Simply add your details to the form below to receive a link to the LIVE Q&A that Jacky and Kate will be hosting on Tuesday 21st February from 7pm (Sydney) 4pm (Perth).
In case you have seen the re-run yet, click on the link to watch it now
Starting School in 2017...worried about how that transition may go?
Group starts 23rd January
Does your child have the skills required to express their knowledge with handwriting?
Groups start 18th January
We hope you get as excited as us about this BRAND NEW LAUNCH!
3 years in the making and it’s finally HERE!!!
Get ready to totally transform your performance with REBOOT
There are three aspects to REBOOT Sport and a framework of thinking which is referenced from current theory and intervention/techniques which create sensory integration and neuro-sensory developmental changes.
Check out the REBOOT program here
About REBOOT: Jacky Peile and the team at Early Links have been building the REBOOT Sport program for the last 3 years, and now it's ready for launching.
Our mission is to give athletes and coaches a fresh approach when it seems that everything else has reached plateau - the sensory integrative process.
Jacky Peile and Kate Keisler are Occupational Therapists who have a toolbox full of practical strategies. Teachers and Counselors that work with children who have experience trauma will benefit from attending this Webinar... Learn more...
REBOOT in Melbourne is only 5 weeks away and we are all set...
Details for attendees is coming soon!
Occupational Therapy can be used to support improvements in functional movements, from a neuromuscular and developmental aspect. Both hands-on and activity based relearning is supported through exploration and discussion. This WEBINAR provides coaches with an opportunity to build their understanding of key points within "function-developmental neuro-physicological" movement patterns. The building blocks for complex and skilled movements which are often overlooked in other treatment and coaching principles
Learn more...
Soft Tissue OT is an approach designed to address muscle tension, imbalance and pain. The outcome is to build capacity within the body and promote better functional movement to improve energy levels and range of functional movement.
Learn more...
Students of Occupational Therapy who have a passion for learning...you're invited to attend a special training event with the Team from Early Links on Sunday 11th September. Topic covered will help you make a positive impression on your supervisors and excel your clinical reasoning and the development of your professional identity.
We are starting with ServU to build our very own App
More information coming soon