Program & Sessions

To learn more about how we can help you improve your performance, make daily life easier, and achieve your goals look at our "Explore Resources" page or jump onto the "Welcome to Early Links" page which you identify with...

Adults and Adolescents

High Performance - Sport & Entrepreneurs



Initial Appointment with Report

Initial Appointment with OT Plan

Occupational Therapy Review Appointment

Occupational Therapy Session - Complex

Occupational Therapy Session - Standard

Occupational Therapy Session - Treatment

Report writing

Learn more about our
Therapy Services programs ...


Groups and Therapy Blocks 

Weekly School-Based Therapy

School Holiday Groups
Requires a Review Appointment to check suitability for groups



School / Educator Planning Meeting (30-45mins)

School / Educator Review Meeting (20-30mins)

Phone calls - education or resources (20-60mins)

To make it simple and easy for you, there are multiple payment methods available, both in the clinic and when you have a home or school visit. We accept - cash, cheque, credit card, Paypal and direct debitPlease include your SURNAME & Date of Service in the description so that our accounts team can process your receipt for funding claims more quickly. 

You can also choose to complete a recurring transfer for the total of your therapy block or group services. This will help you set & forget to limit the number of times you need to fumble through our wallet at the end of your appointments

Funding rebates may also apply depending of your referral and level of private health insurance cover. To check your eligibility please refer to your provider and/or discuss with Occupational Therapist PRIOR to your session, as many referral options require additional paperwork to be submitted

Ask our accounts Team to send you a personalised invoice by email