Our waitlist is closed for all services. Please speak with your GP, NDIS LAC, or use the OT Australia “find an OT” function (click here) to access an available local service.

High Performance

The benefits of knowing that someone else is there to ask you the tough questions that you already know the answers to is key to success....and one phone call could change everything! 

What is Mentoring?

Asking the right questions,
at the right time,
in the right way,
to find the right answer,
to overcome a challenge you already understood
but didn't have the awareness to solve.  


Mentoring is a discussion and learning based process that involve trust and partnership to reach the agreed goals. At Early Links, our mentoring program has several different forms, including; professionals looking to change their workplace culture, to university students trying to excel in their places, to school students looking to explore a career in health. The principles remain the same. 

Our mentors will establish your goals in mentoring, then help you to put structure and planning around these goals. Having a VISION for the future is a large component to our mentoring program. This does not have to be a refined Vision, that takes time, but there needs to be an inner drive to know more, do more, be more...this passion and curiosity are what drives the mentoring process and when active, it is what drives the,mentoring process. 

What is Occupational Therapy for Professionals?

Occupational Therapy is the applied science of helping people achieve their goals in daily activities. Our role as Occupational Therapists is to help people of all ages and stages in life build skills, leverage tools and gain support that makes the life we imagine ourselves living easier to reach. Regardless of how successful we become there will always be subtle adjustments we can make in the routines, strategies and outcomes we expect in our daily lives. We can learn how to better influence and accept change in our environments, with our colleagues, friends and family, while looking to manage our our stress and wellbeing