What's the News
Many exciting events, groups, and education opportunities hve been offered through the Early Links Team. Whilst the newest news is displayed on our home page, below is a list of everything we have enjoyed bringing to you over the years.
Do you have ideas for other events, groups, or education?
Let us know!!
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that facilitating opportunities for children to engage in activities outside of their comfort zone is vital in supporting development of independent skills.
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that practising social skills, fine motor skills, and self-care skills are important parts of “being ready” for school. This is why we are providing “School Readiness 2022”
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that practicing social skills, fine motor skills, and self-regulation are important parts of “growing up” and “learning”. This is why we are providing “Classroom Mastery and Friendship” Group
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that practicing handwriting skills, fine motor skills, and self-regulation are important parts of “growing up” and “learning”. This is why we are providing the “Handwriting Mastery” Group
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that self-regulation is a vital skill that supports a child’s ability to learn and engage socially with others. This is why we are providing our Fun & Friendship group in the upcoming holiday break
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that facilitating opportunities for children to engage in social problem solving and teamwork with peers is vital in supporting independent life skills.
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that facilitating opportunities for girls to engage in activities that promote social skills, problem-solving, creativity and build self-confidence
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that practicing social skills and building independence are all important for children transitioning into adolescence. This is why we are providing the “Adventurers” group.
Once again this year, we are inviting Occupational Therapists passionate about joining a private practice that “makes daily life easier” for those we work with. Our approach; sharing practical strategies …
Our team of Occupational Therapists recognise that self-regulation is a vital skill that supports a child’s ability to learn and engage socially with others. This is why we are providing our Fun & Friendship group in the upcoming holiday break