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Your OT Pathway - ReBOOT

Early Links work under a newly defined REBOOT Framework for clinical reasoning and interdisciplinary practice. The aim of this framework is to provide a process for health professional to communicate their knowledge with clients and other key personnel, outside of a health profession. By presenting the models of practice and academic influences that the Early Links Team use to guide their decision making, we aim to increase your understanding of how Occupational Therapy can make daily life easier.

There's no doubt; we all have a different story and different experiences to share which influence the challenges we have, but this framework and additional models for practice allow our Occupational Therapists to find the gaps in learning, development, abilities and supports which can be improved to achieve more meaningful participation in activities you enjoy or need to do.

ReBOOT Framework.PNG

Domains of Ability

  • Sensory

  • Motor Patterns

  • Self-Awareness

  • Self-Regulation

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Cognition

  • Motor Planning

  • Social

  • Community Awareness

  • Executive Function





The REBOOT Framework has a training package which Occupational Therapists complete to strengthen their clinical reasoning and artful use of intervention techniques. 

The REBOOT Framework can provide a snapshot of any situation, while also supporting discussion about therapeutic planning and goals setting.


More information about the academic content is due for release in late-January, including outlines for how various models and frames of reference have influenced the development of the REBOOT framework. 

Click here to be informed when this is released

Clinical Reasoning


The STEP-SI model is utilised by our Occupational therapists to support holistic service delivery. It was developed as a tool by Stackhouse, Trunnell and Wilbarger for facilitation of clinical reasoning between occupational therapists, parents and other health professionals.

The approach is divided into 6 dimensions for therapists to consider:

  1. Sensation

  2. Task

  3. Environment

  4. Predictability

  5. Self-monitoring

  6. Interactions

Our therapists utilise STEP-SI to provide scaffolding on multiple levels of the therapy process including: assessment, goal setting, direct intervention and home/community programs. As each client we see is unique, the STEP-SI enables our therapists to reason deeply for provision of individualised and effective therapy.   



Bundy, A. C., Murray, E. A., Lane, S., & Fisher, A. G. (2002). Sensory integration: Theory and practice (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Stackhouse. T. M., Trunnel. S. L., & Wilbarger. J. L. (1997). Treating sensory modulation disorder: The STEP-SI: A tool for effective clinical reasoning. Denver: The Children’s Hospital


The importance of clinical reasoning within a registered health profession.
The benefits of seeing a health professional to help ccordinator care and overall achievement

Other models and theories