Our waitlist is closed for all services. Please speak with your GP, NDIS LAC, or use the OT Australia “find an OT” function (click here) to access an available local service.

Early Links OT

Volunteers & Experiences

EarlyLinks also offers opportunities for individuals to volunteer with our team! This is a great opportunity if you are interested in working in healthcare, to develop practical skills and learn from our unique approach.

This may include short term opportunities such as work experience for school. If you believe your skills and experience can support our team to make a difference in the lives of others, send in a volunteer application here.

University Student Placements

Early Links is a fast‐ paced clinical setting in which students will be encouraged to become part of the team from day one. Students are expected to share their past experiences and be independent thinkers.

Students will have multiple supervisors, in both a peer‐learning and team based supervision approach. Mentoring will be directly provided by Jacky Peile, owner and team leader each week in a one‐ one setting.

This is a great opportunity for student therapists to develop clinical reasoning, practical skills and learn from our unique approach.

Mission, Vision, Values


Practical strategies making daily life easier


To become a clinical center of excellence that supports passionate people to make goal-directed achievements

Developing partnership with key organisation in health and education
Quality mentoring for our Team and other professionals
Delivering innovative programs that address the needs of our community


  • Curiosity - Pause and notice potential

  • Ownership - Focus on the details and make clear decisions

  • Resilience - Act bravely and seek to grow from an experience

  • Partnership - Confidently listen and willingly share

  • Education - Learning strengthens teaching moments

  • Celebration - Monitor progress and acknowledge success






It may be helpful in getting to know us better to read our story

Clinical Excellence Program

Each member of the Early Links Team completes a Clinical Excellence Program each year.

This program provide opportunities to access external mentors, education resources, and training, with ongoing assessment of competencies in both clinical applications and professional practice. Included in the program is personal mentoring which assists individuals adapt their learning and find their purpose/passion in life.