Therapeutic Listening

therapeutic listening

What it is? What does it do?
Therapeutic listening is a sound-based treatment for people who have difficulty with processing sensory information, listening, attention, focus and communication. Therapeutic listening is appropriate for all ages and it has made significant results with people who tried it. Such results include: increase energy levels, increased attention, better tolerance to noise and improved handwriting.

How does it work?
When the client listens to the music, they activate certain parts of their brain. This is specific to the track and the purpose of the therapy. These tracks are electronically programmed to vary in frequencies and pitch, depending on the area of the brain it is supposed to stimulate. Such areas of the brain, include the parts involved in regulating bodily functions, attention, relating to others and organizing behaviour.

Description of equipment used:
During the therapy process if therapeutic listening is found to be an appropriate intervention, these methods may be utilised on an individualised basis by our trained therapists to support a client in achieving their goals.

Firstly, it consists of a series of tracks prescribed specifically for each child/adult. The reason they are specifically prescribed, is that each track is designed to stimulate a different or a specific part of the brain and a certain neurological pathway. Secondly, a high quality over ear headphones.

The client may choose to work on a variety of skills, by listening to different tracks based on their preference or the recommended skill chosen by the health professional. Listening time consists of 2 times a day, each for 30 minutes, with a minimum of 3 hours between listening times.

Further reading: